HokieDARN Article

In Memoriam: Dr. Dieter Andre

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With sorrow the Virginia Tech SuperDARN group acknowledges the passing of Dr. Dieter Andre. Senior group members will remember Dieter as a SuperDARN pioneer. He was a key member of George Sofko's group at the University of Saskatchewan with his deep understanding of technical issues. Everyone enjoyed talking with him and his wry sense of soft-spoken humour. Our sympathies to Dieter's family, friends, and colleagues.

From Prof. Glen Hussey:

Dear SuperDARN colleagues and friends,

It is with great sadness that I have to report another passing of a University of Saskatchewan SuperDARNer (retired), Dieter Andre.

Dieter was foundational in helping SuperDARN get established both nationally and internationally in the 1990s and beyond.

Dieter passed away on Wednesday 15 January. He had been having health issues, but my understanding was that he was stabilising.

Dieter had been out shopping with Christina the day before his passing and visiting with his son Konrad and his family the weekend before. Everyone
was having an enjoyable time.

Dieter passed away peacefully sitting in his armchair sometime between 9am and 10am when the staff in his care home came to give him his medication.

Here is Dieter's obituary: